$25.00 USD

Fitbit - Unhealthy Pesticide Levels Found in U.S. Produce - May 2024

Unhealthy Pesticides are hiding in your food!

I highly, HIGHLY recommend that everyone get their hands on the May/June 2024 issue of Consumer Reports (CR) Magazine! This one issue may save your health and possibly, your life, or the life of someone you love.

This report summarizes that 20% of the popular fruits and vegetables we consume in our diet contain very high risk from pesticides. The article in CR provides you with a list of which foods contain the highest levels of unhealthy chemicals, and what you can do to limit your exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals. 

While some manufacturers of pesticides may argue that the chemicals they produce are designed to kill insects, fungi, and weeds and not human beings (of course, the first thought that goes through my mind when I hear people trying to defend pesticides as safe for humans is: "OK, let's see you eat some then!"), it seems common sense that any category of chemicals, specifically designed to kill, may have damaging effects on other living organisms.

CR reports that the Environmental Health Journal recently looked at six studies and found increased evidence of a linkage between pesticides and increased risks of cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. CR also reported on the researchers looking at farm workers and their families. Besides incidents of poisoning from pesticides, CR noted higher incidents of Parkinson's Disease, breast cancer, diabetes, and many more health problems for both the farmers and their families.

The International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health(IJERPH) reported:

  • 385 million unintentional pesticide poisonings/year, resulting in:

  • 11,000 deaths annually; this does not include approximately:

  • 138,000 approximate suicide deaths annually using pesticides

Meaning no disrespect to the IJERPH, The agency: Civil Eats, reported that a 1990 World Health Organization (WHO) had unintentional pesticide deaths over:

  • 200,000/year

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