Sautéed Brussel Sprouts Recipe

This is a Bell Family weekly staple. Enjoy this vegetable side dish with any meal.
- 2 cloves garlic (1-2 more cloves if you really like garlic!)
- 1 lb. Fresh Brussels Sprouts (washed, peeled, and cut in half with *a quick blanche in hot water.)
- 2-3 tbsps. Olive oil
- 3 tsp water
- ½ lemon
- Salt and pepper to taste
Sauté 2 cloves of chopped garlic in olive oil for about 3 minutes over medium-high heat.
Add the Brussels sprouts and sauté them for 5-7 minutes.
Add water cover for 3 minutes
Lower temperature to medium-low
Squeeze lemon juice over the cooked Brussels sprouts
*Note: Blanching will take out some of the bitter taste and removes oxalates