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New Year, New Focus: Longevity

The late, great, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall was often quoted for his optimism about aging:

"I have a lifetime appointment and I intend to serve it. I expect to die at 110, in bed, shot by a jealous husband."

For the history buffs and my Irish friends, I know this is a derivative of an old Irish Toast, but I am sharing it today to illustrate what is possible if you take the right actions. We can all live a longer, healthier, and happier life if we improve our lifestyle.

When I met Dr. Robert (Bob) Goldman (Founder of NASM, National Academy of Sports Medicine, and A4M, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine) nearly 30 years ago, I recognized immediately that we both shared the same vision of helping people live a longer life, free of the pain caused by premature onset of disease, disabilities, and dysfunctions most commonly associated with "aging!" Bob explained the pillars of Anti-Aging Medicine were Exercise, Nutrition, Healthy Lifestyle, and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

When Bob later asked me to build a Fellowship program for the doctors in the A4M, he explained that doctors needed more in-depth knowledge in Exercise, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Management and asked for my help. I was happy to oblige, and I developed the Fellowship In Integrated Sports Medicine(FIISM) to provide the knowledge the doctors needed in those critical areas. And as a result, I developed FIISM along with non-evasive exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle LONGEVITY prescriptions to reverse 20 years of premature aging, in as little as 8 weeks. The details will be described in the information below.

The surveys I did in preparation for the Job Analysis Survey(JAS) for FIISM showed the exact same problems our IFPA Certified Personal Trainers and Fitness Professionals face every day: "How do you motivate your clients to begin and maintain an exercise/nutrition/lifestyle program?" Nearly all the doctors reported they routinely ask their patients to exercise, but the patient would typically reply with: "Can't you just give me a pill instead?"

That is the precise reason why Phase One of our IFPA Personal Training System: Client Consult and Assessment is so detailed! As I have told you many times, the other six Phases of the IFPA Personal Training System are irrelevant if you cannot convince your clients to begin training with you!

Phase One is all about effective communication, influence, and motivating your clients to begin and MAINTAIN their exercise program with you. My experience has shown over the years that the primary reason Personal Trainers fail is because they fail to master Phase One of the System. If this sounds like you, or you simply have not found the level of success you feel you deserve, please go back over the section on Phase One, until you reach MASTERY of the Phase!

Once you achieve Mastery, if you decide to specialize in LONGEVITY, consider the niche areas involved in the other 6 Phases of the IFPA Personal Training System.

Phase Two: Fitness Testing: You should focus on those tests that lead to the healthiest, longevity lifestyle. If your clients are older and have already developed some problems...your testing addresses those problems.

If no problems have developed, educate your client on the major killers that prevent far too many people from living their fullest life: Cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, type 2 diabetes, etc. Use the numbers and statistics you have already learned in your IFPA coursework to motivate every client to begin personal training with you. Everyone should WANT to exercise! Everyone NEEDS to exercise! But it is up to you to find their own, individual, personal reason to want to exercise to live a longer, pain-free life!

Phase Three: Exercise Prescription: The 12 IFPA Components of Fitness: Strength, Speed, Power, Anaerobic and Aerobic Endurance, Agility, Balance, Coordination, Flexibility, Body Composition, Symmetry, and Biochemical Balance are not all appropriate for the Longevity Profile.

In the vast majority of cases, you will use Strength, Anaerobic and Aerobic Endurance, Flexibility, Body Composition, Symmetry, and Biochemical Balance as your primary exercise prescriptions. These will also depend on the needs of your client. If your client presents with a disorder, then you will need to prioritize which Component of Fitness you need to improve, to reverse their disorder. Suggested Exercise Prescriptions appropriate for common disorders are listed below:

For General Longevity Goals, your Longevity exercise prescriptions will incorporate: Strength, Anaerobic and Aerobic, Flexibility, Symmetry, Body Composition, and Biochemical Balance.

For Cardiovascular and Hypertension disorders your exercise prescriptions will incorporate: Aerobic exercise and Biochemical Balance. These disorders are the result of a lack of use of those systems. In simplest terms: "What you don't USE, you LOSE!"

For Immunological disorders, your exercise prescriptions will incorporate Strength, Anaerobic and Aerobic Endurance, Body Composition exercise, and Biochemical Balance. It is a common misconception that exercise is to get bigger, stronger muscles, or run a Marathon, when in reality, the correct exercise prescription can dramatically improve every physiological system in the body! THE KEY HERE IS TO FIND THE APPROPRIATE FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, TIME, AND TYPE of exercise to improve, NOT depress the immune system.

For Skeletal-Musculo disorders, your exercise prescriptions will incorporate Strength, Anaerobic and Aerobic Endurance, Flexibility, Body Composition, and Symmetry exercise, and Biochemical Balance.


©January 2024

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