The Benefits of Green Tea

The legend of green tea has it that thousands of years ago, the first Emperor of China was sitting under a Camellia Sinensis tree (which today is popularly called the Tea Tree) when some of the tree's leaves fell into the cup of water he had been drinking. He liked the flavor and tea was introduced as a favorite beverage!
The legend may or may not be true, but what is surely true is that green tea became a very popular drink throughout China, Japan, and then India. The Tea Trees were grown in those countries first before spreading to the rest of the World. Green tea eventually grew to be known as a medicine. Initially used by ancient Chinese doctors as medicine for improving digestion, controlling bleeding, regulating body temperature, and more.
Tea trees came to be typically grown in tropical, or sub-tropical environments, but have been grown successfully farther north and at fairly high elevations. It seems struggling, slower-growing trees at elevation often produce a more flavorful tea.
Green tea was introduced to Europe around the 17th century, and it was considered so rare, popular, and expensive in England that by the 18th century, there developed numerous smuggling operations to avoid the high taxes! The American Colonies at the time, were more noted for going to war (1776) with the greatest military power on earth because England put a 1.2% tax on our black tea, but that's another story (and maybe a trivial more complicated than that).
Today, in 2023, more and more scientific evidence is being brought forward showing green tea is a powerful preventative beverage that slows the aging process, and prevents numerous chronic diseases. Green tea contains small amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, and the amino acid: L-Theanine (shown to increase dopamine and serotonin production which improves mood, and decreases stress).
Green tea also contains caffeine, about 25% of the amount in coffee (shown to stimulate energy, mood, reaction time, and memory). But, the major health benefits stem from a natural antioxidant, a catechin compound: epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). ECGC, like other catechins, are polyphenols, powerful antioxidants capable of neutralizing the potential damage from free radicals.
Free radicals are produced from oxidation in the body, which results in causing inflammation. As I have discussed with you numerous times before, all diseases, disabilities, and dysfunctions begin with inflammation. Green tea, along with a healthy diet has been shown to combat free radicals and inflammation.
EGCG has been shown to
- reduce free radicals
- improve brain function
- help with fat loss
- decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases
- lower the risk of heart attacks and strokes
- reduce total cholesterol
- reduce LDL (the "Bad" cholesterol)
- relax blood vessels
- reduce cardiovascular inflammation
- provide protection from certain cancers
- reduce oxidative stress and inflammation
- prevent damage to cells/molecules and the cells' DNA throughout the body, delay/prevents the death of brain cells
- improve digestive health
- regulate blood sugar
- protect neurons (brain)
- prevent Alzheimer's
- prevent dementia,
- prevent Parkinson's,
- slow the aging process
- and prevents many other chronic diseases...possibly...ALL CHRONIC DISORDERS, primarily due to ECGC's powerful antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Quick, but important note: Many times when I discuss the benefits of green tea, the excuse I hear against it is: "I don't like the taste."
My reaction is "Who cares?"
Read the paragraph above again.
Now, in 2023. We know of no natural remedy that can do all the above! Nor, do we know of ANY remedy that can do all of the above! So I ask you, if getting past the taste can mean you can live a much longer, healthier, happier, pain-free, diseased-lessened life, would it not be worth it?
The WISE would say: "More than enough!"
You might ask: "Can't I get the same benefits from black, brown, or dark tea?" The best answer I can give, with the scientific research I have seen up till 2023, is NO! While all teas (and even coffee) contain some (and different) antioxidants, none have shown as high concentrations of green tea. WHY? Because green tea is not fermented or "oxidized" like other teas.
Green tea processing is the least invasive compared to other teas. Green tea leaves are picked young, withered, then steamed or sometimes pan-fried, then dried. This type of processing prevents fermentation and preserves the many beneficial compounds in the leaves, providing the green tea drinker with optimal benefits.
3-5 cups/day, when combined with a healthy diet, resulted in a 41% decrease in the risk of dying from cardiovascular death. Protected against age-related cognitive decline by 64%. Additional benefits include reduction in neurodegenerative diseases, improved brain health, and attention, boost in mood, energy levels, memory, reaction time, and reduced stress. 3-5 cups/day of green tea also showed a decrease in breast cancer by 15%, colorectal cancer by 40%, and a significant drop in the risk of oral cancer.
One study showed, 4 cups/day, of black/green/oolong tea, when combined with a healthy diet, over a 10-year study, showed a significant drop in the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Â
As ALWAYS, you need the correct dose. Most people showed no side effects up to 8 cups/day. Above 8 cups/day, side effects include dehydration (watch your caffeine intake), dizziness, frequent urination (caffeine intake again), headaches, insomnia, jitteriness, and rapid heart rate.Â
- You are a pregnant woman, or thinking about becoming pregnant, up to 6 cups/day should be safe, unless there is a risk of folic acid deficiency.
- You are a liver disease patient. There is some increased risk of liver damage. Watch for abdominal pain, dark-colored urine, and/or jaundice.
- You are taking any Beta-Blockers. Above 6 cups/day may reduce your medications levels in your blood, and/or inhibit certain drugs like Corgard (Nadolo).
- You are a breastfeeding mom. Caffeine passes through your breast milk to your baby.Â
DO NOT BOIL YOUR TEA. Heat your tea to about 194 degrees F (90 degrees C). The longer you steep your tea, the stronger it becomes. If you are a new green tea drinker, start at about 2 minutes for a lighter taste, later you can increase the time to 3-5 minutes until you find the strength you like. Yes, the stronger you steep it, the more EGCG you get/cup, but if you find it unpalatable, how much will you drink? GPO works in nutrition as it does in exercise.Â
Some people add a slice of lemon or lime, or honey (darker honey is healthier). It is not recommended you add milk, as some studies show it reduces the effectiveness of green tea antioxidants (I could not find a source to confirm it had a similar effect on other teas).Â
Green tea will lose its potency and quality if exposed to air/heat/light/moisture and or odors. Keep it sealed, in a dark, airtight container at room temperature.
GTE may be a suitable substitute, though there is no scientific research to confirm that opinion. If you do use GTE: READ the label carefully. Verify it has a Certificate of Analysis (COF), proving an independent third party has tested the GTE for harmful ingredients, and that the label is accurate!Â
Think of green tea as any supplement. Supplement means: "in addition to!" You cannot eat poorly and expect green tea or any supplement to fix your unhealthy nutrition. Green tea and all supplements work far better when you are eating, exercising, and leading a healthy lifestyle.Â
Best of luck to you and yours in all your goals. All of us here at the IFPA wish you the greatest of success.
©May 2023
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